Fooling around the past couple days I came up with a fun CSS3 graphic. The first incarnation was a simple html page, but after some thought I decided to integrate it into a WordPress theme as a shortcode by adding to the existing themes functions.php file. This worked great and further motivated me to create a plugin as well.
Cover Swing CSS Fun
Usage: Use shortcode
Your Title Here
Your body copy here... More
Where cover = complete file path to your cover image, link = url to more info website/page/post, title = Brief title.
Now in three exciting flavors!
- Shortcode by adding to any WordPress theme.
- Copy code in functions.php to your themes functions.php file
- Copy css from cover-swing-style.css to your theme’s style.css file.
- Copy images to your themes images folder. If one does not exist, simply copy the entire images folder to your theme folder.
- HTML – Requires no explanation.
- Plugin – Upload the plugin to your WordPress plugins folder and activate.
Raspberry Tea
You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.
-C S Lewis More