My son Max Alexander and I had a common love of classic automobiles and have made a point to take in a car show when possible. Our first ones were the events that took place in Santa Rosa Park in San Luis Obispo. We had stumbled in after a hockey game at the same park. We had our hockey sticks, but no camera. The first car show images I had captured were at the Old Town Car Show in Fort Collins California back in the summer of ’06 (View on flickr). I took a more traditional approach. My father Frank Alexander lives in La Jolla, California and loves a special photo-op from time to time. He alerted me to an event in his backyard, purchased tickets whereupon the two of us made the scene, cameras in tow.

I take a different approach these days, as can be seen in this small gallery of images. I actually take more enjoyment in the post processing via Photomatix, Photoshop and Lightroom.

[AFG_gallery id=’4′]

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